the tuhono collective
The Tūhono Collective represents Māori Dispute Resolution organisations and practitioners. The collective provides training, coaching, supervision, accreditation and alternative dispute resolution services, including mediation, facilitation and conciliation.

Mediator, Lawyer, Trainer & Assessor
Rongowhakaata, Te Aitanga a Mahaki / Te Whānau a Kai, Waikato/Tainui
Wi Pere Mita
Wi Pere is a lawyer, mediator and consultant with over 10 years' experience in dispute resolution, governance and law. He is a member of the Institute of Directors and holds a number of directorships and governance roles in the commercial, not-for-profit and private sectors. Wi Pere has practice experience in the areas of family law, intellectual property, employment and HR, media, broadcasting & entertainment law and Māori legal issues.
Wi Pere has a long history with Community Law having been involved in various roles including as a member of the Community Law Centres o Aotearoa National Board and Chair of the Māori Caucus. He also sits on the Board of Directors of Resolution Institute.

Trainer & Cultural and Language Advisor
Te Whānau a Kai
Max Matenga
Max Matenga is the Managing Director of Kāteao Limited, a boutique consultancy firm specialising in Māori strategy, translation services and cultural capability, capacity & competency building. Max is a native speaker of Te Reo Māori and has a background in the education sector.
Max is a graduate of the Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori movements. He has taught in Māori Medium Education since 2010 and is an experienced Composer, Song-Writer, Kapa Haka Tutor and Performer. He is also a graduate of Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo Māori, Institute of Excellence in Te Reo Māori, Regional Board member Post Primary Teacher’s Association (PPTA) and Moderator for New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
His dispute resolution experience includes assisting with the development of the tikanga guidelines for the Ministry for Primary Industries Farm Debt Mediation Scheme, the Tuhono Māori Mediation Model and professional development based on incorporating Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori into dispute resolution practice.

Restorative Justice Practitioner, Trainer & Coach
Te Arawa, Ngāruahinerangi
Irirangi Mako
Iri is an experienced restorative justice practitioner having been the General Manager of Justice Services at Manukau Urban Māori Authority for several years. This work included the oversight of Te Pae Oranga (Iwi & Community Panels), and the restorative justice and reintegration services. Iri was also a restorative justice facilitator at Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley.
Iri currently works for Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust as a Senior Project Manager working closely with Whānau Ora partners. She has also been a trainer for the Te Pae Oranga course with New Zealand Police. Iri is also Trustee on Ruawāhia 2B Trust.

Conflict Resolution and Social Justice Practitioner - Community Advocate
Marlene Raumati
Marlene is a conflict resolution and social justice practitioner specialising in kaupapa Māori issues. She has experience in applying tikanga to resolve conflicts. Marlene has advised and assisted clients, disputes resolvers, lawyers and judges with navigating Tikanga-related issues within the context of the law. This work has included Family Court, District Court and High Court proceedings.
Marlene has been Kaihaapai at Community Law South Auckland and often acts as a conduit between clients, social service providers and government agencies. She also co-ordinates the Community Mediation Service a free/low-cost mediation service for those on low incomes.
Marlene is well connected to the community and has experience working with iwi authorities, government departments and private clients in New Zealand and abroad.

Mediator and Lawyer
Stacey O'Neill
Stacey is a lawyer and mediator specialising in kaupapa Māori legal issues. She has a background in constitutional law, human rights and Te Tiriti o Waitangi related matters. She also sits on the executive (as Co-Chair) for Ngā Kaiāwhina Hapori Māori o te Ture, the national Māori caucus for the Community Law movement.

Haimona Te Nahu
Mediator and Lawyer
Ngati Porou, Te Arawa
Haimona is a lawyer and mediator. As a graduate of the Kura Kaupapa Maori movement Haimona is experienced in supporting clients to develop culturally responsive strategies to build cultural fluency and deliver focused outcomes.
Haimona was a member of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment working group responsible for developing the Government Centre for Dispute Resolution – Aotearoa best practice dispute resolution framework.
Haimona is currently leading our Cultural Advisory and Navigation Support services as well as project managing our major events portfolio.